Tonight, February 24, 2016, my dad, Bobby, took me to one of the pet stores in town to do a little shopping. Usually my mom, Wendi, comes with us, but not tonight. It was just the two guys out on the town. Dad decided to take Mom’s car, the HHR. But really, we all know it as my car. It is the one with the system set up for me to check everything out from my perch in the back. I know I’ve talked about car rides before, but I just love them!
Now, when it comes to shopping, I would say I’m much more like my mom than my dad. My dad sort of likes to peruse the store, but basically he has in mind what he is getting and is done. My mom, on the other hand, will check out the different aisles. She likes to see new products and new displays. And, if there is a clearance rack (or aisle), she is all about that. So, I like to check out everything, too. It’s just how I roll.
So when Dad took me to the store, I figured I would do my thing and he could follow along. Really, I’m the one leading the way most the time, anyhow. Dad must have felt bad that Mom wasn’t with us, because he let me browse the aisles and go anywhere I wanted to go, even if I wanted to go down an aisle the second time. First I had to check out the rawhides. I never buy them, but I do like to smell them. They’re low to the ground, so believe me, I’m not the only one!
Then I like to travel down one aisle after the next. We went down the cookie aisle, up the leash aisle, down the toy aisle, up the small critter and bird cage aisle. You get the idea. I was checking out everything and every smell that was in the store.
There were a couple of close encounters while we were there. First there was a man who wanted to pet me. Now, I am the kind of dog that when I’m doing my thing, I’d really rather not be bothered. Look, I know I’m cute, but I like to be able to enjoy my outings on my terms. So I sort of let the guy know I wasn’t interested. I didn’t exactly cuss him out, but let’s just be glad you people can’t speak dog.
Next there was a set of parents that were carrying their “babies.” I don’t know what kind of dogs they were cause they wouldn’t let me get close enough to sniff them. And Dad doesn’t really know his dog breeds, like my Aunt Randi.
I guess Dad finally got fed up with my browsing, because he got the stuff on Mom’s list. Although he did only get one box of litter instead of two. I wasn’t sure how to tell him, but I was sure hoping that he wouldn’t get in trouble when he got home! He also picked up a couple of bags of treats for me. They weren’t on the list, but they were on sale and he likes me to have them. At the check out counter they had squeaky toys on sale for $1.99. I didn’t really need another toy, but I wasn’t going to tell Dad that. So he puts the toy on the counter. The lady told him that if he bought two, it would be cheaper. He asked what the cost was for two. She said, “$3.98.” Dad was like, “Doesn’t one cost $1.99?” She told him that was correct, but if he bought two, then she could scan one and just give him the other for “free.” Dad told her, “I’ll just take one for $1.99.”
It reminded Dad of something my Uncle Glenn in Saugus, Massachusetts says. He says, “With two you get egg roll.” But if there was an egg roll around, I didn’t get any.