Wendi Warren released her new book, Princess Grace: A Tale of Faith, Hope and Love, on Valentine’s Day a couple of years ago, and the Kindle release quickly rose to a Top 30 selection in the Christian Short Stories section on Amazon.com.
Wendi wrote the story as a fairy tale, however, as she explained in an interview (to listen to it, click here), it is not necessarily a children’s book. It is a tale about a princess who is lured away from her father, a king, and her home. Once taken captive, the princess is forced to do hard labor.
While far from the home she loves, the princess adjusts to her new settings and starts to tell the other women in the prison/work camp about her wonderful father and how she is confident he will come and rescue her … and all of them.
However, a snake of a man has other designs for the princess and takes her away to torture her … and maybe worse.
You can get the book through this Amazon affiliate link when you click here. It is only offered through Kindle at this time, though a softcover version is in the works.
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6. Interview with Wendi Warren after release of book (click the link or listen at the bottom of this page): Podcast
1. What if I do not own a Kindle device, how can I read the book? Amazon makes it easy to connect readers with the Kindle books, which is why they offer a variety of ways for people to read Kindle books through web browsers, smartphones, iPads, iPhones, tablets and other ebook readers. Amazon has a solution for you. Check out this link.
2. How can I read the book without purchasing it? There are a few ways to do so. Those with Amazon Prime memberships can borrow the book through the Kindle Owners Lending Library (read more here). If you have a friend who purchased the book, then that friend can actually loan you the book via Kindle because there are no Digital Rights Management restrictions (read more here). A friend who purchased the Kindle book can also let you borrow the Kindle device with the book loaded. There might be some other creative ways, too, but these are a few.
3. What if I want to buy a Kindle device to read this and other Kindle books? The Z Section blog is an Amazon.com affiliate and can offer all of Amazon’s Kindle devices for sale. In exchange, Amazon pays the owner of the blog a small percentage of the sale, which does not alter Amazon’s price. To find out why I prefer the Kindle Fire HD, check out this post when you click here. You can purchase the Kindle Fire HD through this link when you click here.
4. Is there a way to purchase a physical book? We are exploring this option via CreateSpace, and it is something we hope to offer soon.
5. Does Wendi have any other books published? Yes. She worked on a booklet for a presentation she was asked to give at a women’s retreat at Parkview Christian Church. The title of the talk, and the book, is Joy in Budgeting. The book offered in the Kindle store is an expanded version of the booklet.