My wife, Wendi, the founder of this blog, decided we would run the Turkey Burner 5K in Hinckley, Ohio, on Thanksgiving Day morning. We ran around the lake at Hinckley Reservation. Wendi's sister, Randi, asked us if we wanted to run it with her and her husband, Shaun. We did. It marked the third 5K we ran since October 28. The first one was in Ashland. You can read about it here. The second one was in Dalton. You can read about that experience here. And, listen to the podcast below. We wanted to … [Read more...]
Wonderful Discovery on ‘The Dark Side of the Moon’ (Akron, actually)
Not too long ago, I saw an ad for a Brit Floyd concert in Cleveland. I had never heard of Brit Floyd, but I figured it was a Pink Floyd Tribute band. I love live music, and I like Pink Floyd, so I put out a call on Facebook to see if any of my friends might want to go the show and feel that warm thrill of confusion, that space cadet glow. I had no takers, so I didn't go. Little did I know then I would go to an Australian Pink Floyd Show concert in Akron. While I never heard of Brit Floyd, … [Read more...]
Pink Floyd Tribute Band Comes From the Land Down Under
My wife, Wendi, and I recently went to The Australian Pink Floyd Show at the Goodyear Theater in Akron, Ohio. The band and the light show were absolutely amazing. Below, you can get a taste of the concert. Until the next full blog post here on Wendi's Weekend Trips & Whatnot, enjoy a little bit of the concert. … [Read more...]
David Greer sings “Mary Did You Know?”
The Koinonia Sunday School Class at Parkview Christian Church had its annual Christmas dinner Friday night, and David Greer of Firmly Committed Ministries gave his testimony and sang for us. Greer talked about growing up in Detroit, getting into trouble and being sent to juvenile detention and then later prison. He now ministers to those in prison through his Firmly Committed Ministries. He is also a gifted singer. You can hear him singing "Mary Did You Know" in the video … [Read more...]
Wandering Around Cambridge, Ohio
Bobby and I are spending the weekend in Cambridge, Ohio, for the Sherlock Holmes Weekend. We came across Chuck Fair and talked to him for a little bit. Here's what he had to say: … [Read more...]