Before my husband, Bobby, and I took our trip to New York City, I tried to figure out things we could do that wouldn't break the bank. This meant a lot of surfing the Internet. I checked out Groupon to see what deals I could find. That's how I stumbled across the Midtown Manhattan Movie Tours. I really like movies, so the idea of getting to see the filmed locations of over 50 different movies was just about the most exciting thing regarding our trip to New York. After a few scheduling … [Read more...]
Take a Trip Around Manhattan With Me (No Tips Necessary)
My wife Wendi's blog has built a reputation on three things (in my humble opinion): Packing a lot of fun things to do in a short amount of time (Wendi's Weekend Trips); writing about neat places to eat (&); whatever captures her fancy (Whatnot). While the blog has only been around for a year, the concept dates back a number of years. Even before we lived on the outskirts of the Amish Heartland, we took weekend trips there. When we would visit my family in Boston, we would take one and … [Read more...]