Being the creator of a blog that centers around weekend trips and restaurants, I haven’t had a lot to write about recently. We are living in unprecedented times. We have become more aware of viruses than in previous years. We have added to our vocabulary phrases like “social distancing.” We have had social functions cancelled and restaurants close except for take out. It’s been very weird to say the least.
However, my husband, Bobby, reminded me recently that even though things have not been the same since we came back from New Orleans in February, we still have had some fun and a few adventures. So I thought I would shake the dust off my keyboard and share some of the things we have been doing.
I left my job
That’s right, just before the world started working from home, I left my position in human resources and started working with Bobby to grow his company, Wooster Media Group, LLC. While I have been adjusting to working from home, so has the whole world. It’s been nice to be in this together.
Enjoyed Quarantine Pudding
Right when the world shut down we needed toilet paper (who didn’t?). And while we were on the search to find it, Bobby went into a store and came out with two gallons of milk. (But no toilet paper.) Anyhow, we thought for sure we’d be able to drink both gallons before the expiration date. But as the time drew closer, Bobby decided to use some of the milk to make a batch of pudding. But not just one batch. He tripled the recipe! It was very good. Rich and chocolatey and smooth. We liked it so much, he’s made it two more times during the quarantine. He nicknamed it Quarantine Pudding. I named it delicious!
On the go with Owney
As any reader of this blog will know, our beagle/terrier mix, Owney, has much to say about our schedule. (See his latest blog post.) Well during the quarantine, since nothing else was open, Owney had us going all over Wayne County to keep us active. Our regular outing is to visit Oak Hill.
However, we have gone to the Orrville Dog Park, Barnes Preserve, Secrest Arboretum, Miller Baseball Fields and the Wayne County Fairgrounds.
Partook of Gyros and Hand Sanitizer
After our trip to the Orrville Dog Park, Bobby told me that the Linn Enterprises gyro concession stand was opened by Millwood Distillery. I love gyros! So we stopped by to get one. While we were there, Bobby talked to Mark Morrison, one of the owners of the distillery. He said they had converted their production to make hand sanitizer. We bought a couple of bottles. One for us and one to donate to the Wooster Police Department.
Outdoor visiting
I’m glad we have the ability to talk with family through phone and video, but there is nothing like to face visits to me. So a couple of times during the quarantine I have gone to see my parents. But instead of sitting in their living room or around their kitchen table, we met on the front stoop (as my mom calls it) or on their back deck. It’s not the same but it’s better than nothing. We even had a couple of “picnics.”
Became half marathon support team
My sister, Randi, and brother-in-law, Shaun, like to run half marathons. Don’t ask me why. However, due to the coronavirus, many of the planned races were cancelled. They wanted to earn the t-shirts, blankets and medals they would have gotten at the Football Hall of Fame race in April. In order to do so, Randi mapped out 13.1 mile route in Lodi for her and Shaun to run. She asked me and Bobby to be their support team. That meant having water stops for them every two miles. Since I have only seen the beginning and the end of previous half marathon races, it was exciting to be able to play a part in this. Then, with the finish line being at our parent’s house, Mom had put on a spread that mimicked the post race snacks at formal races. Dad even played his cornet. It was an awesome time.
Half marathon watch party
While I was providing water for Randi and Shaun, Bobby was chronicling the event. Being the awesome videographer he is, he put it all together and made a 7 minute video. Instead of just sending it to them, he decided a watch party on Facebook would be better. It was.
Launched a new business
O.K. I didn’t do this, Bobby did. He has partnered with another company to create Freelancers Benefits. This company sells telemedicine and a free/discounted prescription drug program. If you want to learn more, check it out here.
Got a case or two of Case Chicken
Case Chicken posted on Facebook a sale of chicken at the Wayne County Fairgrounds. Our friend, Kenny Hart, called and asked if we wanted some. We did. Kenny got to the fairgrounds before 8 and waited for a few hours along with hundreds of other cars. While we didn’t get exactly what we wanted (they were sold out) we did get 40+ pounds of delicious chicken. Thanks, Kenny!
Making a sock mask
Don’t hate me, but I don’t really want to wear a mask. I just don’t. However, I realize I don’t always get what I want. While people have been really creative with their masks, I wasn’t sure what to do. Bobby shared a GIF of a woman making a mask from a sock. So I did it, too and Bobby recorded it. Things we do when we’re bored!
Binge-watched Bosch
I admit, I am addicted to the Amazon series, Bosch, based on Michael Connelly’s books. The sixth season was released on April 17. We watched the 10 episodes and then we went back and watched the entire series again. That’s all 6 seasons, about 60 episodes. Now that we are finished, I miss seeing Harry Bosch and Jay Edgar every night.
Became a barber again
Years ago Bobby bought me hair clippers to cut his hair. He had gotten a bad haircut and decided I couldn’t do worse. I stopped cutting his hair when he got a promotion at his previous job. But with Helms Old Fashion Barber Shop closed due to the virus, I dusted off my clippers to make him presentable for a live meeting.
Making pretzel bites
I love watching the recipe videos on Facebook. I don’t know how many I have saved. So while on quarantine, I decided to try the pretzel bites one. Armed with a can of Grand’s biscuits and the video, I followed it as well as I could. The end product was okay. Bobby really liked the cheese sauce, though.
A trip to Amish country
One Monday afternoon in May, after Bobby met with a client, he, Owney and I, took the afternoon off and went to Walnut Creek Cheese. It was a beautiful day. We needed groceries and I was having a hankering for Mudd Valley Creamery ice cream. We had a great time and this is something we wouldn’t have been able to do had I still been working an 8-5 job.
Writing a blog post during a virtual graduation
Bobby got a couple of gigs to do the video recording of a high school virtual graduation commencements. I have been helping. Between students I have been able to write this blog post. Definitely not something I thought I would be doing three months ago before the stay at home orders.
Phew! Not until I started writing did I realize all I have done in just a couple of months. I have definitely missed some things that I used to do before the virus struck. But I guess I still get to have adventures.
What types of things have you been doing? Let me know in the comments below.