The date was Saturday, February 13, 2016. The event was the Medina Ice Festival. The temperature was 16 degrees, with a real feel of 8 degrees.The weather was snowy, not blizzard conditions, but it was coming down pretty good.That is when Bobby, my husband, and I found Chill, an Artisan Ice Cream Company on the square in downtown Medina, Ohio.

I do not subscribe to the idea that it can be “too cold” for ice cream. Actually I don’t even believe that you can be “too full” for ice cream. There is always room for ice cream, so that frigid day in February, was just perfect to try a new ice cream parlor. Fortunate for us, although maybe not so for the owners, the place wasn’t very busy. That allowed us time to talk with Zachary Jaworski, one of the owners. Zachary told us that they have been in business since last spring. He and his two brothers started the ice cream shop because they had always made ice cream at their home growing up.

They had so many different kinds of flavors. Thankfully Zachary allowed us to sample many of them before we made our final selections. Bobby asked him how many samples I could try before he would charge me for a cone. Zachary laughed. Then he shared that many people try 7-10 different kinds before they decide what to order. I was glad about that! I had probably tried 5 different kinds at that point. Oh yeah, don’t be fooled, Bobby also had his fair share of samples. Although, I did kind of force him to try the Dan’s Dogs Rootbeer Float. I don’t like rootbeer, so I wouldn’t try it. Bobby said it was good–although that wasn’t one of his choices when it came time to put money down.
I decided to go big and chose the three scoop dish. Bobby was going to get a waffle cone, which was a dollar more, so I figured, what the heck! There was not anything comparable to Graeter’s Chocolate Chocolate Chip ice cream, so that was kind of a bummer. However, I wasn’t down for too long. I selected a scoop of Minty Python which was mint steeped in their cream base with M & M’s. The next was a scoop of Chocolate Milk and Cookies which is chocolate milk ice cream with oreo cookies. The last flavor was Blackout Double Dark Chocolate. That is obviously a dark chocolate ice cream. Each scoop was delicious. The ice cream was smooth and creamy and the flavors were good. The Blackout Double Dark Chocolate had a really rich, deep chocolate flavor. The smooth and creamy texture reminded Bobby of gelato.
Bobby decided to get a double scoop cone. (Remember he paid extra for the waffle cone!) He decided on Power Tan of Medina Whiteout, which is Vanilla Cloud Ice Cream with White Marshmallows, White Oreos and White Chocolate Pieces. (I totally would not have gotten this, since I am strictly a milk or dark chocolate kind of girl). His other flavor was Over the Top Butter Pecan. Bobby said that the Butter Pecan really was over the top excellent. It was nice that Zachary had the time, because he made Bobby’s waffle cone fresh. Bobby even got a video of it.
Zachary said that they make different flavors all the time. He suggested we come back again in the summer, where he might get a little crazy and come up with a dill pickle ice cream. Since I’m a chocolateholic, I doubt I’ll buy a scoop of that. But maybe, just maybe, I’ll try a sample of it. Either way, can’t wait to go back!