It wasn’t until late Thursday night, July 28, that I found out I missed the birthday of the hamburger. That is the date when Louis Lassen in 1900 served the first hamburger sandwich. (It was out of Louis’ Lunch in New Haven, Connecticut.) Turns out that we were there on July 27, 2011–but I didn’t know it was the birthday then, either.
I felt kind of like I did when I realized I had missed National Ice Cream day (July 17). Not exactly sad, but a little disappointed in myself that I hadn’t known the day of celebration (or remembrance) for a favorite food of mine. But never fear, like a good friend who forgives you for missing her birthday, the hamburger will not hold a grudge against me, either!
I can’t help but remember some of the more memorable burgers I have tried over the past year, since beginning my blog. Here’s a short list of some:
Grover’s Burger — This is the first one to pop in my head probably because it was the one that started this crazy ride of blogging. Grover’s is located in East Amherst, NY, just outside of Buffalo. It will always be dear to me because of the memories we made. And the burger was pretty good, too.
Heck’s Burger — I remember that this was the first time I ever had sour cream on a burger. That was an interesting experience. The location we visited was in Elyria, but they also have one close to West Side Market in Cleveland. I view it as a reward for surviving the Go Ape experience. Again, I have great memories from that day.
Heck’s Dessert Burger — My mouth still waters when I think of this “burger.” You really can’t go wrong when you pair brownies, cookies, ice cream into a “burger.” Add funnel cake fries and you’ve got a dessert to remember.
Bob’s Hamburgers — I met Bob’s at the Hamburger Festival in Downtown Akron last September. While we had plenty of options for many different kinds of burgers, it was Bob’s that stood out as a solid burger. We haven’t yet made it to the restaurant, but I am sure we would get the same tasty burger there.
Jerry’s Cafe Burger — Since we tried two different burgers there I can’t say which I enjoyed more. Jerry’s Burger had more of nostalgia attached to it because it tasted like my mom’s. Still the Trolley Burger is nothing to shake your fist at.
Tri Tip Grill Burger — Any burger made with Certified Angus Beef can’t be bad. Add to it the char-broiled flavor in a New York City restaurant and it is one to remember fondly.
I am sure there were plenty more that I can’t bring to mind right now. I mean, there is Schnipper’s, Shake Shack, Swensons, Steak and Shake, Thurman’s, Muddy’s, and a whole host of others. Not room to reminisce about them all here. That’s why I am glad that Bobby put together a book that contains all the places we’ve eaten, that we have blogged about, since I started Wendi’s Weekend Trips and Whatnot. I would like to offer this book to you, free of charge. If you would like a copy of the e-book, just enter your email in the box to subscribe to my blog. (Don’t worry, you can unsubscribe any time you want.)
Until next time, bon Appétit!