I love movies. Not all movies, but the ones I like, I have no problem watching over and over again. My husband, Bobby, often records movies from weekends when Dish Network runs specials in hopes that you will upgrade your package. On our DVR right now we have plenty of movies waiting to be watched that I have yet to see. I often select the ones I have already watched and enjoyed previously. I guess there is just something comfortable about watching a movie when I know how it ends. The boy gets the girl. The villain gets what he (or she) deserves. The dog finds a home. You get the idea.
Bobby, on the other hand, is not someone who likes to watch the same movie multiple times, except for Jack Reacher. That movie he really likes. (We even went to Pittsburgh to see some of the places it was filmed. You can read about that here.) I think this is the case with Forrest Gump, too. Forrest Gump came out before I knew Bobby, but from the stories he tells me, he watched it several times. I never asked him why that movie was one that he could enjoy over and over again. I guess, I’d like to think it is because Forrest gets Jenny in the end, even if just briefly.
Why am I blogging about Forrest Gump? Well, if you know the movie even a little bit, you know that Forrest and Jenny end up in Washington D.C. at the same time. She is there protesting the Vietnam War. Forrest is there because he got a chance to meet President Johnson due his act of valor during the war. It turns out that Bobby and I are heading to Washington D.C. in the very near future and a line from that movie keeps going through my head. It is where Forrest and Jenny are walking in D.C. and he says, “I’m glad I got to be in our nation’s capital with you.”
I’ve been to Washington D.C. a few times. Two time, actually were with Bobby. However, both of those trips were very fast trips–in and out on the same day. This trip we’re going to be taking will be more structured (we are going with a group of people), but we’ll be in the city longer. I’m sure I will have plenty of posts about our time there. But for now, I am just eager to be able to spend time with my wonderful husband in our nation’s capital.