My wife Wendi has a dream of “becoming” a published author and has been chasing the dream off and on for years.
I put the word becoming in quotes above because she already is a published author. When I published a newsletter geared toward families, she wrote articles for it. My wife is a licensed professional clinical counselor in the state of Ohio. While she no longer counsels, she keeps her license current, as she still works within the mental health field. With this background, she was able to provide some good information for families.
When I was an assistant editor at the Record Herald newspaper in Washington Court House, Ohio, she wrote some columns for the newspaper. She wrote one about her father for a Father’s Day feature and another about the time she met Ricardo Montalban, who was the only actor she ever wrote a fan letter to as a girl. It was a touching moment, literally, when they met and he touched her hand reassuringly. It was an awesome moment.
But, I digress.
Even though Wendi is published, she still does not consider herself a published author. It does not count, she tells me, because I was in a position to make it happen. This might be true, but I would not publish her writings if they had been junk or even just OK.
Right now, Wendi is involved with a project that will make her dream become a reality (she is working on a fairy tale). I am excited for her. I do not want to say too much about the project right now and steal Wendi’s thunder. It looks as if this thing is going to fly, but I want to be careful not to count the chickens before they hatch.
When Wendi’s project is on more stable ground, she will write a guest blog here and announce it. I am hoping she will be able to share some good news before Valentine’s Day.
How is this dream becoming a reality? Because of a never-give-up, never-say-die mentality. No try, just do. What obstacle hinders you from achieving your dreams, goals and aspirations?
Note: I wrote the above for my blog The Z Section in 2013. Can’t believe it has been 3 years. So proud of Wendi and all she is doing. This is just a little taste of how it all began.