Soon, and very soon, my wife, Wendi, will have her Christian-themed fairy tale available worldwide through Amazon’s Kindle store. We have been working toward a Valentine’s Day release date. Here is an early version of the cover art:
Wendi originally wrote it in 2008, and after hiring an illustrator to bring some of the scenes to life, she began rewriting her work. Part of it was to incorporate elements of the universal storyline, and part of it was expand on what she wrote.
I think the story conveys a wonderful Christian message about God’s nature, his love, his wisdom and his desire for all of us to come home to be with him.
The fairy tale has all of the elements you would expect: A handsome king and prince, a beautiful princess, a castle, a forest, a wicked man, a desolate village and hope.
I understand people will see my comments as biased, and that is fine, but let me tell you, as I was editing Wendi’s rewrite, my heart was racing toward the end. It is a good read, and it is a quick read.
Now that the illustrations are done, there still needs to be some more editing, some final work on the lettering for the cover, formatting the book for Kindle (which includes making sure the illustrations come out properly and not pixelated) and getting it uploaded to Amazon in the best category and in the Kindle store for sale and distribution.
There is a lot to do between now and Valentine’s Day, but we are hopeful.
There were times when the project hit some snags, but it fell together beautifully.
You might say, Wendi’s project went from “Oh, my, what are we getting ourselves into” to “happily ever after.”
I hope so, because it sure feels like it.
Note: I wrote the above for my blog The Z Section in 2013. Can’t believe it has been 3 years. So proud of Wendi and all she is doing. This is just a little taste of how it all began.