Guest Blog
Almost before I could get the question out of my mouth, the answer was YES!
Exhilaration followed!
Before embarking on a last minute 50th birthday celebration vacation to Myrtle Beach, SC., I asked Bobby Warren if he was interested in a guest blogger for his wife’s blog. He answered YES. Well, he answered for Wendi anyway. So, Wendi, I hope I don’t hurt your ratings too much!
No matter what time of year you visit the coast, there is one thing for certain; you get hungry! Hot, cold or some temperature in between, hunger will strike! There is hungry, and there is BEACH hungry! You know, that I-just-walked-a-mile-up-the-coast-and-forgot-I-had-to-walk-back hunger!
So, parched, sandy, sunburned and tired, our little gang of beachcombers made our way up the stairs to Second Avenue Pier to sample some open-air eating at The PierView.

The first thing we noticed was the décor. A beachy, fisherman’s atmosphere with plenty of personality. From the walls, to the wait staff to the occasional seabird that comes and begs a french fry or two (or ten).

Our server, Kat, made our stay perfect! She was a pro! From menu questions to music suggestions, Kat made our visit worthwhile! I wanted to try something different and right away she pointed me to the Murrells Mix. A mixture of pulled pork, glazed ham and salami – I was in.

I didn’t know what to expect from the odd combination, so I cautiously tasted a bite and WOW, the flavors exploded! The meats, pickles & sauce were much more than I bargained for. It perked me right up! I was ready for the long march back to our quarters!
Although everyone finished in a hurry, we just weren’t ready to leave our quaint pier yet. Kat assured us that it was fine to just “hang out” awhile, so we took her up on it.

We listened to music, fed some seabirds, watched people fish off of the pier and sat around the table and talked. Of course we checked Facebook, Twitter and our email, but there is something special about doing the mundane where the land meets the sea.

Open-air eating, with your fast service, unique taste and the saltwater-wind blowing in my face, I definitely want more of you!
Editor’s note: When Dan Starcher is not eating on the beach, he is an Associated Press award-winning photographer for The Daily Record in Wooster, Ohio. You can learn more about Dan on his websites: and