My dad, Warren (Bud) Breese, is mostly the kind of man that goes with the flow of things. When asked what he wants for Christmas or Father’s Day, he usually says, “world peace.” I know, he doesn’t ask for a lot–so we usually give him a trivia game or book or take him to the movies. But the point is, when he asks specifically for something, it is a rare occasion. (One caveat, in case my mother contests this, I’m speaking from a daughter’s point of view.) So on Saturday, February 6, 2016 when he says he feels like going out for German food, guess what, we go out for German food.

As it turned out he had recently seen a news piece on Das Schnitzel Haus in Parma, Ohio. Well, actually at the time, he just told us it was north of Brunswick on US Route 42. One suggestion I would make right up front: mapquest the restaurant you are going to before you leave home. Believe me, it will save you tons of time and miles of going out of your way. It is a long story, but needless to say, I felt like Bugs Bunny, where I knew I should have taken a left at Albuquerque.

When we finally reached the restaurant, we were hungry. Good things Germans believe in a meals that are descent portion size, stick to your ribs kind of food. True to their name, there were plenty of schnitzel options, which both Bobby and my mom, Dolores, decided to try. Bobby’s was Natur Schnitzel. It is breaded pork cutlet served with spatzle and another side. He chose chicken and dumpling soup. As always, he had to make a sandwich with the bread they brought to the table.

Mom’s dish was Ziguener Schnitzel. It is a breaded pork cutlet topped with Hungarian style vegetables (onions, tomatoes and peppers) with two sides. She chose cabbage and noodles and German potato salad.

I went with the chicken paprikasch, which is chicken on spatzle with a paprika and sour cream sauce.

My dad was the last one to order, as usual. He has to read every word on a menu. You get use to this when you got out to eat with him. He finally decided on the Wurst Plate. This meal included “one plump bratwurst, one succulent knockwurst” and one Hungarian sausage. He also chose two sides. He also went with cabbage and noodles, but selected spatzle as his second side dish.

The food was very good. We all enjoyed our meals and agreed it was well worth the trip. I’d say the trip home was quicker, but it wasn’t. We took a detour that eventually ended up taking us back to Lodi on US Route 42, otherwise known as Pearl Road, at least through Medina. It was, as Bobby said, an “old fashion Sunday drive.” Only difference is that it was Saturday! If you want to hear more about the actual trip and why it was took so long, let me know in the comments below.