My mother’s birthday is today. I wanted to repost this from 2019. This past year we heard a lot about heroes and I truly think my mom is one. She sacrifices for her family and friends so much. She gives until she has nothing left. She is amazing. And I want the world to be […]
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Day Trip

Art Studio Owner Lets You Show Your ‘True Colors’
You know how someone says you have green thumb when you garden well? Well, whatever the term they … [Read More...]

Owney Discovers a New Gem: Killbuck Lakes
You know, I'm a pretty lucky dog. I get to go for walks in all kinds of places. I've walked on … [Read More...]
Night Out

Engage Virtual Range: Top Notch Training and Fun
I heard of Engage Virtual Range in January 2020. I had stumbled across an advertisement of a … [Read More...]

Celebrating our 25th at the Olde Jaol Steakhouse
My husband, Bobby, and I have been married for 25 years! I know, it's hard to believe that it could … [Read More...]
Featured Content: Ted’s Bulletin

Take Note: Ted’s Bulletin a Great Place to Eat in the DMV
My husband, Bobby, and I recently attended the FinCon Expo in Washington, D.C., where Bobby wanted to learn more about blogging, digital marketing, and scaling an online business. I was there to learn more about launching a podcast. We hit a few nice places to eat while in D.C., and when Bobby learned that my […]
Recent Blog Posts

Tacos are Tremendous at Salsaroja Bar and Grill
I have always liked to have options when I'm dining out. Whether it is the Cheesecake Factories 27 page menu or the list of add-ons from Five Guys menu, I like that I get a choice. And for me, that means a place like Salsaroja Bar and Grill is right … [Read More...]

Binge-Watching Leads to a Return to Mayberry
When I was growing up I remember watching a few episodes of the Andy Griffith Show during the summer. It was on at Noon, so while I was eating lunch I watched the show. It has been years since I had seen an episode. That is until recently. My … [Read More...]

Wendi’s COVID-19 Quarantine Chronicles
Being the creator of a blog that centers around weekend trips and restaurants, I haven't had a lot to write about recently. We are living in unprecedented times. We have become more aware of viruses than in previous years. We have added to our … [Read More...]

Perfect for Easter 2020: A Message That’s Been On My Heart
I have been a Bible believing Christian for decades now. I don't hide my faith, but I will admit that I'm not vocal about it either. I've always been uncomfortable with "witnessing" to people about Jesus. But I have been recently convicted of my need … [Read More...]

Living It Up in Ohio Under Stay-At-Home Orders
Every day, my wife Wendi, the founder of this blog, and I work together ... in our house. I started Wooster Media Group LLC in January 2018 and Wendi joined me full-time in mid-March 2020. I started working out of the home until I got an office on … [Read More...]